Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day in Life Progress Work

*Please take a look to my 3 previous posts beforehand.

Title Sequence

For the title sequence, I'm trying to mimic the sun rising in the peak of the morning hours. Toward the end of this title sequence, the black box is imitating as my eyes blinking and opening as I wake up. The black box is a filler for the stop motion that I'm going to included. 

Stop Motion Test

This is a stop motion test and example of how I am approaching this project. Almost every scene will be in my perspective as you can see in this video. 


  1. Looks lovely so far. And I think you captured the sunrise very well.

  2. I think this will come together really well. I like your font choice. The only thing I'm worried about, and I know you have to hold the camera, but the whole using one arm to do everything comes off as very unnatural. And since you're trying to convey something normal, routine and relatable it might be problematic.

  3. I love your opening sequence and your stop motion is great so far. I just have to wonder what is the type of pacing you are looking for since the more rushed and hectic you should really cut down in your frames so that it will look more jumpy where as add more frames to create a sense of smoothness and calm.

  4. I really like the stop motion you have so far, I think that will make a great video. I think your intro graphic is also great, it mimics the sun as you say. I think that the part that imitates your eye blinking and opening should be a little more cut up, try to mimic the stop motion aspect of an eye blinking and opening, what you have now is to fluid. I think if you change that blinking part it will bring a strong connection between your intro graphics and your stop animation.

  5. I also agree with Tana, maybe try having someone else taking the pictures for you or using video and then extracting still frames from the video.

  6. I agree with Aaron, have someone else take the pictures for you. And I would make the black box a faded yellow instead, and then have the sun up.

  7. I like the first person perspective, but it would be cool to see some different angles. I also enjoy the stop motion aesthetic, but maybe theres an easier way to do it like an effect on a video, just a thought.

  8. The first person perspective is effective, stop-motion enables you to manipulate your environment in impossible ways. I think you should toy around with the technique and see what sort of effects you can accomplish that real-time filming can't allow.

  9. Nice intro and type, can't wait to see this finished

  10. Nice job on the intro and I like your idea of using stop motion.
