Tuesday, October 29, 2013

PSA Soundtrack

Here is a soundtrack I'm going to use for my PSA on bullying. It's a mashup of "Stop Bullying Spoken Word" by SpokenWisdom on youtube and "To Build a Home" by the Cinematic Orchestra.

Conformity has become the norm
And if you fall outside its folds
Prepare for the endless barrage
of harsh words and hard blows
It's like a continuous montage
I mean, do you even know
The kind of pain they go through?
Emotional torture.
All so that some people could have
Something to laugh about,
Something to make them feel like they fit in
They laugh, they point, and they grin.
But I'm about to heat up
No more will I take this
Sitting down
Naw, my feet are going to be up
Marching till we have won
And by we, I mean anyone who has ever been
Degraded, humiliated, or neglected
For their faith, appearance, or intellect
Because no matter what they say

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Project 3: Separating Layers

Here I am separating the first scene using Photoshop into 3-4 layers so I can animate them in After Effects. It's a rough example of what I'm going to do for the rest of the scenes in the previous post.

Project 3: Background Images

Chronological images for each scene

Sidewalk 1

Sidewalk 2

School Hallway

School Hallway 2


Mall 1

Mall 2


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Project 3 Examples & Progess Work

Here is the sequential storyboard of my anti-bullying PSA created using Premiere.

Here are some examples of images that I'm planning to use for my PSA. Over fall break, I'm planning to take some photos of my little cousin holding a stop sign in different scenes, such as in the school hallway and at the park. I'll cut out him out of a photo using photoshop and place him in the last scene where he stands at the edge of a skyscraper. 

Here is a tutorial that I did where I used still images and make them relevant to 3D space. It's a really rough example of how I'm going to use the photographs I'm taking to captivate my anti-bullying PSA.

This a really rough example of how the ending of my PSA is going to be like. From beginning to end, there will be certainly a song/music playing in the background to add intensity to the PSA.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

PSA Storyboard

Here is a simple storyboard explaining one of my idea for my PSA on the effects of bullying.